Singing Guide: Justin Timberlake

Singing Guide: Justin Timberlake

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing like Justin Timberlake

If you want to learn how to sing like Justin Timberlake, there are several things you can do to improve your voice and style. Timberlake has a unique vocal style, featuring a smooth tenor and falsetto range, with a distinct pop sensibility. Here are some tips and Singing Carrots resources that can help you achieve this sound.

  1. Vocal warm-ups and training

    Before you begin, it's important to warm up your voice with proper breathing exercises and other warm-up techniques. The Pitch Training game at Singing Carrots can help you develop a sense of pitch and the Farinelli breathing exercises can also be useful to expand lung capacity and breathing capacity. A good three-minute warm-up session is also recommendable to get started.

  2. Listening and learning from Timberlake's music

    One of the best ways to learn how to sing like Timberlake is to listen to his music repeatedly. You’ll start to pick up on his unique rhythm, style, and phrasing. Analyze his tone and delivery to learn how he mixes both head and chest voice registers. You can practice Timberlake's famous songs such as “Cry me a River” or “Mirrors”, or other catchy pop hits. Search for songs that match your vocal range and genre preference.

  3. Breath Control

    Breath control is crucial to singing like Timberlake. Learning how to breathe correctly and support your voice is key. To better control your breathing, you can practice exercises like sustaining a note and breath control using the diaphragm.

  4. Mastering falsetto

    Timberlake is known for his signature falsetto, which is a key part of his sound. To learn how to sing in falsetto, it's important to start by practicing exercises that help you expand your range. The Twang exercise is one example that can help you stretch your voice.

  5. Microphone technique

    Finally, mastering microphone technique is important to singing like Timberlake. You can practice controlling your vocal dynamics and volume, as well as improving your articulation and phrasing. For articulation, you can try the Finger Bite exercise to develop your diction.

By utilizing these tips and Singing Carrots resources, you can learn to sing like Justin Timberlake. Whether you're working on your breath support, falsetto, or just looking for new songs to sing, Singing Carrots has everything you need to improve your skills and performance.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.